Wednesday, May 5

Wait... I thought it was Cinco de Mayo, not April Fools.


This one is straight out of camera- how RAD is that? 
I love how the wide angle gets a natural vignette. Neato burrito. 
I said burrito because it's Cinco de Mayo...
and I didn't get enough sleep last night... Movin' on! :)



Vanessa May 5, 2010 at 8:44 AM  

are you serious! what the HECK! that means it is probably heading towards me...YUCK...where is spring? Love the pics :)

Nike Athena May 5, 2010 at 9:40 AM  

Oh man! Mark Nelson (the weather man, I like to pretend we're friends, except right now I'm pissed at him) was predicting a cold snap in our area. Guess ya'll got the freeze snap. Gotta love that Baker weather.

Rachel Holloway May 5, 2010 at 4:42 PM  

what the!? Serious now? Snow?

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