Thursday, July 31

A GIVE AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!


You heard me, a

I have seen a few other photogs do this, and I think it's an awesome, shameless way to find out who's checking out my work.

So I'm doing it.

Here are the rules... Because I love meeting new people, and because I love giving stuff away, and because I love getting comments on the bloggity, and because I need no other excuses to do something crazy...
LEAVE a comment with your name, the state or area that you hail from, how you found me, and how often you check this blog! If you have your own blog or website, post that, too, we all love finding new blogs to stalk!

I will be using a website that does a random selection for me, so of the commenters only ONE will win the prize. What is the prize??? It's a SURPRISE, but it is of monetary worth, and it will be mailed to you along with a thank you note from me... heck, getting snail mail is awesome, eh?

Happy commenting! OH and this contest ends on
Saturday, August 2nd at 12 midnight, MST
and yes, friends and family can play, too...
If you just read all this... you really should comment. :)


cstocks July 31, 2008 at 8:58 AM  

Carly...I saw of course I'm going to leave a message!!! I LOVE YOUR PHOTOS!!! My favorite is the one with the horses and the sunset. You do an amazing job!!! Oh yeah...and to answer your questions...I went to high school with you...and I live in Provo, Utah!! :D

Heather July 31, 2008 at 9:08 AM  

I love giveaways lol! I believe I found your site through Jessica Kettle Photography. Great work! To answer your questions I'm Heather R. and I live in Utah. And I check your blog whenever you update it (have you in my google reader). Thanks for letting me blog stalk lol!

Lauren July 31, 2008 at 9:12 AM  

Carly you're so awesome! Well I live in Arizona now....I know you because I used to live with you then you got married.....I check your blog on a weekly if not daily basis...I love reading blogs...yes I'm that cool. I hope all is going well. LUV YA!

Anonymous July 31, 2008 at 9:13 AM  

Ok, Im a blogaholic and I'll admit it. Plus who doesn't love free stuff right?! I probably check your blog 4-5 times a week... sad I know. I'm always looking for new posts and I'm in NY.

Megan, Peter, and Benjamin July 31, 2008 at 9:24 AM  

Hi Carly! I am Megan from the Toronto, Ontario area (yes, I am far from Idaho....but graduated from BYUI this last December). I found you because you took pictures of my bestest friend, Heather Fa'anunu!! So, I do have a blog, but I will have to give you permission to view it! Thank you for taking such BEAUTIFUL pictures of Heather! She is such a gem and I am glad someone was able to capture that!

Megan, Peter, and Benjamin July 31, 2008 at 9:26 AM  

Oh, and I try to check pretty often, probably at least once a week.

jes may July 31, 2008 at 9:53 AM  

Carly! Your an amazing photographer! :)
Well, I met you throught Shem and Sabrina (I can't remember who first) & I found out about your photography through... you! I try to check out your blog on a weekly basis because I love reading and seeing updates! & right now I live in Rexburg still but I will only be here for 3 more weeks & then SLC here I come! Oh & my blog is
Keep up the great work! <3

Alexa July 31, 2008 at 9:54 AM  

I am so going to win, because I am from the great EO, and by that I mean Eastern Oregon...Are you EVER coming back to this great state? Peace out Lady!

Lexy Lee, LG, OR

Rachel July 31, 2008 at 10:10 AM  

Pick Me! Pick Me! I check THIS blog probably like 2-3 times a week, but I check your other blog almost everyday! Woot!

Arly July 31, 2008 at 10:12 AM  

So even though my comments wont let you comment, I'll comment. :)

I live in Texas, went to HS with you and my website is:

Love ya Carly, you take some rad pictures.

A little Birdie... July 31, 2008 at 10:37 AM  

Holy 10 comments already!

Well, just in case you didn't know (and because I'm going to follow directions!), I am from the great Rexburg Idaho and I found you because you told me to :) I have you in my google reader, so I check you when you update!

Now you should participate in MY contest. (

Rachel Holloway July 31, 2008 at 11:07 AM  

HOLY BAJOLY! Of course, you know who I am and that I blog-read in the great state of Ohio, EVERY time you post! :) And I love ALL your pics! :)

*C July 31, 2008 at 11:19 AM  

*Hi. . . I'm Chanthoeun. I found your blog on Heather Bird's blog {I’m a friend of hers}. I love your blog and photos {I should comment more often rather than wait 'til I'm offered a possible giveaway}! :)

I'm currently in PA for the summer but hail from good old Utah where I'll probably remain for the rest of my years!

Also, I'm learning photography, more or less just on a hobbyist level for now. I'm about as amateur as they get. I love your photo tips blog too {please update that more} :) You're a great resource to learn from. I love your work!!

Well now that I have written a novel, I hope I win the giveaway!!

Jenn July 31, 2008 at 11:29 AM  

jenn from idaho
i found you through Shem.
your pictures rock!! I've sent my entire family to check you out and a bunch of friends too.

i check your stuff every couple of days.

Dylan July 31, 2008 at 12:24 PM  

Holy cow! 14 posts! That's pretty cool.
My name is Dylan Isaacson and I live in Oregon. I check your blogs every other day or so. I rarely comment... sorry.. I will do better. I watched an OPB special on Annie Leibovitz the other day. It was wonderful. And inspirational! I think you would have loved it.
Maybe you can do that someday, eh?

Amiee July 31, 2008 at 12:28 PM  

Hey! You know me, but I'm Amiee from Rexburg, ID. I believe I found you because I was one of those blog stalkers. :) I tried to find everyone I knew from our ward....thus the huge long list of people on my blog! That's how I found your original blog at least, then I knew you made the photo one too so I check it whenever it's updated (google reader is the best!)

You know my blog but it's!!

Hope you pick me ;)

Jessica July 31, 2008 at 1:03 PM  

My name is Jessica Willoughby from Salt Lake City, Utah and I love your work! I read about you through Jessica Kettle's blog. You are an awesome photographer! I check your blog basically everyday at work! What can I say! I am a blog stalkerrrrr!

Courtney July 31, 2008 at 1:33 PM  

how fun! i'm sitting next to my sister and we both hope i win! haha! i hope we get together soon! thanks for coming last sunday!

Ryan, Sheena, and Riley July 31, 2008 at 2:12 PM  

who hoo!Sheena shurtz
Ohio! I love you and free stuff! a couple times i need to program into my blog

Shem Carlson July 31, 2008 at 3:17 PM  

Ok, oh boy, uhhhh...I met you when you had a huge crush on me, and then I married you. And we had an awesome daughter. And I love you tons. And you are an amazing photographer. Oh yeah, and I live in Idaho, with you.

If I win this, just do it over because that wouldn't be fair for all the other people who comment. You know I have to see the blog everyday or else I would be in trouble.

corykerr July 31, 2008 at 3:32 PM  

Hey Carly, I come here once in a while (once or twice a month). You told me about this blog. My site is and

Tom July 31, 2008 at 6:16 PM  

I'm your Dad. If I don't win this thing I will hunt you down (for those of you who know me, you can only imagine Carly's fear and consternation!!!!). You are an exceptional photographer and artist. I'm from Oregon. I found you when you came to live with your Momma and me. I found your bloggity when I asked for permission to gaze upon its beauty.

Erin July 31, 2008 at 7:23 PM  

Giveaways are a great idea! I found your site from your blog, which we check almost daily...part of our internet routine. We're in SLC, UT and can't wait to have our pics taken! We'll see you next week.

Kacey July 31, 2008 at 7:29 PM  

hey! I tried looking at your other website but its not working right now. How much do u charge for baby pics..cuz when we have the baby i want to get some cute ones done of her, so i was just wondering what your rates are and what all you can do with the pics! let me know k!

Kristin and Brandon Radmall July 31, 2008 at 7:52 PM  

Hi... you already know me and I'm already on your blog, so I probably won't win, but I though I would try anyway! So, I have our new address for you to send the CD and price list to. It's:
8602 Westown Parkway
West Des Moines, IA 50266

Hope all is well. Thanks again for doing such a great job on our photos!
Ashley Webb

Tyrell Kohler July 31, 2008 at 9:54 PM  

Yay Contest! So I don't blog... well... at all. But I did see this on facebook. I think my fav is the one with the horses and a sunset background. And yeah, I know that you know you know how I know you... you know.
Peace out my friend!
-Tyrell of La Grande, Oregon 97850, USA, North America, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe.

Kelli M. Stowers July 31, 2008 at 11:41 PM  

Carly! I'm in Provo still. I found your site through...YOU :) I read as much as possible, both this and your regular site. Can't wait to see more! You've inspired me to get back into photography (now if I could only afford equipment)

Miriam Lusk August 1, 2008 at 10:54 AM  

Hey lady! Uh, I hope the prize is good. What am I talking about? Of course it will be good. See you in... and hour and a half. Love ya!

andrea wardle August 1, 2008 at 10:57 AM  

Aw, what the heck. We could all use a little fun every now and then. I'm Andrea and I hail from the great state of Utah. I found you through Jessica Kettle's site, from her link on KSL. I love to stalk you, and all the other marvelous sites I find. Perhaps I should get google reader so I don't have to roll down the list every day searching for new stuff! Thanks for the giveaway! Fun times!

Rick and Jenny Runyan August 1, 2008 at 11:52 AM  

How fun! So I am probably a blog stalker too, but we were in the same ward, and you took pics for a bunch of people in our ward, and they all turned out great. So I am a fan, and check your site once a week about or when people say to check it out on their blog. And I show my husband that you can get way better pics than we do with our camera of our daughter. We live in Rexburg and have a blog too.

Lindsay August 1, 2008 at 12:50 PM  

Lindsay Weston, living in Rexburg Idaho. I've been friends with you since our first semester at school here when we were roommates! I check your blog every time I see you've updated it, and sometimes more because I like to show Kenny too.

Amanda August 1, 2008 at 1:41 PM  

i actually just came across your blog one day while i was looking around blog-land and i bookmarked you b/c you have some amazing photographs. i live in washington. thanks so much!

Spencer, Jen, Zoe, and Emrie August 1, 2008 at 2:04 PM  

I'm Jen, living in The 'Burg - Rexburg, Idaho, that is:) I don't remember how I met you, but now we're friends and I'm so glad we are.:) I check this site whenever there are updates!

Rebecca and Chad Hansen. August 1, 2008 at 5:15 PM  

I think technically you found me! haha. I think it's so neat that you're doing this. And I love the new pictures you've put up recently. They look great! I hail from the great state of massachusetts and currently live in idaho but soon to live in utah.

Dylan August 8, 2008 at 1:38 PM  

Who uhh... who won?

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