Thursday, January 29

JK on Studio 5

Don't miss seeing my friend Jessica on Studio5 (in Utah) today, to get some great tips on looking hot in front of the camera- and how to make someone look hot when you're the one behind the camera! She's cute, eh?

And perhaps you'll be slightly jealous when you hear that she & I are taking Vegas by storm in February, when we attend WPPI!! I CAN'T WAIT!
*we get to see Blues Travelers @ the Nikon night... I'm so not kidding! It pays to be a Nikon devotee*

Wednesday, January 28

Check out this hot totty.


that's right, ladies... that's MY husband.
not yours.
allllll mine. :)

Monday, January 26

The perfect V-day gift for your man...


Saturday, January 24


Sneak peek may be a little too modest for this post- but truly... it is a sneak peek.










Want to hear a funny story? Dakota is entering the National Guard in July. Guess what she's specializing in? Tank mechanics- as in... she's going to be a mechanic... on a tank. Further proof you can never judge a book by it's cover! :)

Even more...

More Caitlin shots...



That's right... she put on her formal to play in the snow with her horses... I may not have told you this yet, but Caitlin is hardcore. :)




Friday, January 23


Would you believe me if I told you I did ZERO touch-up to her eyes? Because I know you don't believe me- but they truly are that blue.


Seriously, can you believe that?!


Believe it, baby. Those blues are true.






Dare I say, there are more to come? Well, there are...
This girl could do no wrong- Thanks Caitlin!

Wednesday, January 21

While searching through my old photos...

I happened upon this shot of my friend Marilee. I don't know why it didn't get posted with the model shots in December, but it certainly should have been!

Check out this hot mama- she has 2 little girls, doesn't she look like a model?!


{more archived photos coming, and some new ones too!}

Sunday, January 18

Did YOU win a free session?!

The Chamber of Commerce had their annual Banquet last night, and we had the opportunity to decorate a table! We're excited to see who won the centerpiece, which included a free portrait session. Hope it was a fun night, and we wish we could have been there for the event itself. Next year, you can count on it!!



To learn more about the Baker City Chamber of Commerce, or to just see what our neck of the woods is all about, click HERE... and if you won the centerpiece, pipe up!! :)

Thursday, January 15

Frost bite '09

It is so frozen-lovely out, here are some misc shots from today. Enjoy, and don't forget about the referral contest!

Per usual, these images are copyrighted material- they belong to me, but with my express written permission you may be able to use them... Catch my drift? No stealing, por favor.






And... check out these shots husband took of yours truly... That's right, it's me... weird.



Friday, January 9

Referral Contest!!!


Send your friends to to see my portfolio and to book their sessions!!

Get the word out on your blog, write a mass email, post it on facebook or myspace, or contact me for some business cards that you can hand out! I want you to win this awesome contest! Contact me via email ( with any questions, and good luck!

There is NO limit to how many people can win this contest, so tell all your friends to join in too!

If you don't live in Eastern Oregon, but you want a chance to win, contact me for more info on my ambassador program! It's easy, and you'll get a free session, too!

Contest will run until MARCH!!!

Monday, January 5

Memory lane.

So... I have moved home, okay? I am sleeping in the same room I slept in all through my growing-up years... Frankly, I can't believe my mother left everything just the way it was when I left. And I'm kind of freaked out at all the crap I'd collected- I spent a lot of time yardsaling and antiquing, and WHY?! Not that I don't have cool stuff, I do... But there's just so MUCH of it!

Anyway I had a fun little photoshoot up there in my room today- here is my favorite from the day, of one of my favorite little nick-nacks. I call it "Chachi and the Mrs."

(Now you can buy this print! Click here!)

And then I took a bunch of shots of my prom dress, from Senior Prom, and I think they turned out pretty cool. I really wanted to focus on the details, and less on the dress as a whole.



I actually laid on the floor underneath the dress, I like it...


As with all images and text on this blog, this entry and it's contents are copyrighted material; property of Carly Carlson (that's me!).
©2009 Carly Carlson Photography

Sunday, January 4

Baker City, Oregon! Permanently!

So here's the news you've all been waiting for- Carly Carlson Photography has moved to Eastern Oregon! It's official, we are here, and we are ready for business. I plan on traveling like crazy all up and down eastern Oregon and Western Idaho, so don't hesitate to contact for a session even if you don't live IN Baker City!

Look forward to some major deals coming up to celebrate our new location! I am so excited to be back in my home town, and in the most beautiful valley I've ever seen. This place is awesome!

Right now I'm house sitting for my parents, and that means their pets get photo shoots. Now I have never been that into pet portraits- personally I just don't get it. BUT, after our little session today I think I may have to do more of this! It was so fun, haha!!


Pretty Ginger is such a whiner! I seriously don't know how to get her to shut up- any suggestions on how to silence a labrador?!! She is so cute, though.

Petey, the Great.
He rules the roost.

And here are some shots I took of my new Annie Liebovitz book. My hubby got me a gift card to Barnes & Nobel for Christmas, so I ordered this book I've been eying for a long time, and it came yesterday! It is BEAUTIFUL and it's all in her own words- can't wait to read what the master has to say about her work!

The artist, herself.

Isn't that canvas cover sweet?
Or am I just a huge nerd...
(For you fellow huge nerds- it smells amazing too,
just the way a new book should!)

I loved taking these shots of this beautiful book-
I may have to do more photography like this in the future.
It was so fun, I just love books!

So this year, my photogblog goal is to utilize the blog for more than showcasing my sessions. So prepare for some more personal entries too- like this one! :)

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