Monday, January 5

Memory lane.

So... I have moved home, okay? I am sleeping in the same room I slept in all through my growing-up years... Frankly, I can't believe my mother left everything just the way it was when I left. And I'm kind of freaked out at all the crap I'd collected- I spent a lot of time yardsaling and antiquing, and WHY?! Not that I don't have cool stuff, I do... But there's just so MUCH of it!

Anyway I had a fun little photoshoot up there in my room today- here is my favorite from the day, of one of my favorite little nick-nacks. I call it "Chachi and the Mrs."

(Now you can buy this print! Click here!)

And then I took a bunch of shots of my prom dress, from Senior Prom, and I think they turned out pretty cool. I really wanted to focus on the details, and less on the dress as a whole.



I actually laid on the floor underneath the dress, I like it...


As with all images and text on this blog, this entry and it's contents are copyrighted material; property of Carly Carlson (that's me!).
©2009 Carly Carlson Photography


Rachel Holloway January 6, 2009 at 3:50 AM  

very cool stuff! Though, I totally know where you're coming from on the wondering why you have all that junk laying around. :)

LOVE the pics of your dress. What a cool way to capture a special piece!

Miriam Lusk January 10, 2009 at 11:03 PM  

Man! The second I left home my Mom had all of my crap packed up and shoved in a closet somewhere. haha. Love the dress pictures. they are so natural looking.

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