Saturday, March 7

Shem @ Earth & Vine

Earth & Vine is a new little wine shop in town. It's REALLY cool, and I'm going to be a featured artist there in June! Shocking, I know. Anyway, the first Friday of each month Baker has an artwalk downtown. A lot of the shops have live music, food and local artists work hanging everywhere. Shem was the live music part @ Earth & Vine! Don't miss next months Art Walk, everyone! :)



ps... keep those questions coming and don't forget to enter the guinea pig giveaway!
(no, mishelle, they are not real guinea pigs... you get to BE the guinea pig!!)


Miriam Lusk March 7, 2009 at 10:48 PM  

Carly- I heart your Blog. I feel like I get to be part of the cool kids club when I read it :) Love your work lately. You are truly an artist :)

Anonymous March 11, 2009 at 7:29 PM  

That first picture is very nice. I love the green affect. I am having fun reading questions and answers. Great job.

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