Tuesday, April 28

Playing Catch Up

Catch-up is my least favorite game to play, but here I am, playing it (as always!).

I apologize to my clients and those of you who have contacted me but have had delayed responses from me. We have the internet up and running, it's OFFICIAL!

There are perks to not having the internet and being utterly disorganized mid-move... I have been able to spend a lot of quality time with my little squirt this last week or so. Anytime I pull out the camera she makes a goofy face (yes, she's quite the poser...) and right after the goofy face she wants to take a photo all on her own... Every. single. time. :)


Look forward to some loverly loverly posts this week, as I catch up not only editing, but also blogging... and website gallery updating... and ordering... and alllll the other things on my mile long to-do list. Woo hoo


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