Friday, March 12

My big girl...

I love all of these awesome blogs where photographers are posting their clients shoots as well as personal things about their own families, but I have the hardest time opening up in that way on this blog! I don't know why- I just feel really protective over my family. Mother Hen mode kicks in as soon as I begin uploading a post about the cute things Stella is doing, or how awesome my husband is, and I delete the post before it's been published. Besides, my life is incredibly boring for the most part! But, while I may never be as awesome as Tara Whitney or Jonathan Canlas or Sheye Rosemeyer or any of those other awesome photographers at posting personal work on this blog- I will continue to work harder at it. (I think I've promised this before?? haha)

Today, I quickly snapped these shots of Stella just as she woke up and walked into the living room to greet me for the day. It wasn't until after shooting that I realized my ISO was at about 4000! haha :) Love that grain!



And this is another one from this morning, I just think she's the cutest thing ever. :)

I'm challenging myself by using some of the other lenses in my arsenal a bit more. These were shot with my 28mm 2.8, wide open. I really do love that lens, I have no idea why I never use it. 


Jessica Kettle March 13, 2010 at 9:01 AM  

oh my goodness, these are soooo cute! i love the last one. her hair is my favorite- and her little eyelashes! good job making it personal. hehe.

Nike Athena March 17, 2010 at 1:39 PM  

I love seeing new pictures of Stella. I want a red headed peaches and cream baby. =)

Vanessa March 17, 2010 at 9:06 PM  

Oh...she is the cutest! To funny :)and you know I am a sucker for her beautiful hair color!

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